Hi There!

I'm Giridhar Salana

Know More About Me
Loves Electronics

Electronics lover turned engineer

Wanted to be a Scientist

It's still a dream

Curious Creature

Everything is an experiment for me

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Who Am I

I'm Giridhar Salana, and I am an electronics engineer with a passion for self-learning. I enjoy experimenting with a variety of technologies, including electronics, programming, and machine learning. I am driven by my desire to find novel and effective solutions to problems, and I have a track record of success in doing so. I find technology to be a fascinating and dynamic field, and I am eager to contribute to its continued growth and development in whatever way I can.

Lets build

I created this website with the goal of connecting with like-minded individuals and collaborating on projects that can make a positive impact. I'm particularly keen on contributing to any open-source initiatives that I can work on during my free time. My hope is to connect with others who share my passion for technology and who are interested in joining forces to make the world a better place through innovative and meaningful projects.



A life without a goal is like a cricket without a wicket.    - Giridhar Salana

Money may or may not give happiness to us, but it's sure that lack of it will bring us misery.    - Giridhar Salana

Life is like a book with limited pages, waiting to be written by the choices we make each day.    - Giridhar Salana

Want to say something

Anything to Say? just mail me to giridharsalana@gmail.com

Or You can write me here